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...~♥~The Hunted~♥~A Wolf and Wild Horse RP ~♥~...

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...~♥~The Hunted~♥~A Wolf and Wild Horse RP ~♥~... Empty ...~♥~The Hunted~♥~A Wolf and Wild Horse RP ~♥~...

Post by ArtGirl Wed Feb 18, 2015 7:16 pm

...~♥~The Hunted~♥~A Wolf and Wild Horse RP ~♥~... 900x9019

 The Hunted
In the untamed land of North America 1872 the wild horses and wolf packs of soon to be Idaho lived at peace. But one fateful day man invaded there land and changed there lives forever. Soon the men started destroying there homes and members of their packs and herds started disappearing. Some of them decided it was too dangerous and left to find a new home Some of them went into hiding hoping they would just stay for a little while and then

leave. But some of them knew differently and are plotting ways to make them leave. Will you be the ones to leave for safer lands or will you stay and fight for your home?

Welcome to The Hunted a Wolf and Wild horse RP! Wolf 3  Horse 1
* Be Nice
* This Role Play is about wild horses and wolves only
* If you are having a problem with another member please discuss with them through PMs
* What I say Goes I am moderator on the thread and can accept forms and other things
* All BYC rules apply
* Don't RP until I accepted you
* Have Fun!
* Your characters can not be magic or magically heal
* When you are chatting or talking about the story put what you are saying in parenthesis.
*Please try to keep things realistic
*Do not control other peoples characters
*Please no ware wolves, vampires, powers, curses, ghosts, ext.

Entering form:

Wild Horse Ranks:
Top Male Leader: One top male leader per herd, you may create your own flock but ask me first.
Top Female Leader: One top female leader per herd.
Leader: Only two leaders in each herd, the leaders take charge when the top male and female are wounded or gone.
Protector: The protector can not have babies, he or she protects their herd. Four per herd.
Helper: Helps when needed. Three allowed per herd.
Herd Member: Unlimited herd members are allowed, they are just free roaming members of the herd.
Loner: Doesn't belong to any herds.

Wolf Ranks:
Top Male Leader: One top male leader per pack, you may create your own pack but ask me first.
Top Female Leader: One top female leader per pack.
Leader: Only two leaders in each pack, the leaders take charge when the top male and female are wounded or gone.
Protector: The protector can not have babies, he or she protects their pack. Four per pack.
Gatherer: Finds food for the pack. Four per pack.
Helper: Helps when needed. Three allowed per pack.
Pack Member: Unlimited pack members are allowed, they are just free roaming members of the pack.
Loner: Doesn't belong to any packs

Wild Horse Herd Map:

...~♥~The Hunted~♥~A Wolf and Wild Horse RP ~♥~... 900x9021
Wolf Pack Map:
 ...~♥~The Hunted~♥~A Wolf and Wild Horse RP ~♥~... Ll11

Wild Horse Herds:
Dusty Herd:
The dusty herd is a sly and secretive herd that lives in the Idaho desert.
...~♥~The Hunted~♥~A Wolf and Wild Horse RP ~♥~... 900x9012

Pines Herd
The pines herd is a strong and mysterious herd that lives in the thick woods.
...~♥~The Hunted~♥~A Wolf and Wild Horse RP ~♥~... 900x9013

Crystal Herd:
The Crystal herd is a kind and brave herd that lives in the snowy mountains.
...~♥~The Hunted~♥~A Wolf and Wild Horse RP ~♥~... Ll_110

Mountain Herd:
The Mountain herd is a tough and fearless herd that lives in the dangerous rocky mountains.
...~♥~The Hunted~♥~A Wolf and Wild Horse RP ~♥~... 900x9022


Wolf Packs:
Sand Pack:
The sand pack is a mysterious and shy pack that lives mostly in the Idaho desert.
...~♥~The Hunted~♥~A Wolf and Wild Horse RP ~♥~... 900x9023

Brush Pack:
The brush pack is a sly and quiet pack that lives in the thick woods.
...~♥~The Hunted~♥~A Wolf and Wild Horse RP ~♥~... 900x9020

Ice Pack:
The ice pack is a brave and strong pack that lives in the icy mountains.
...~♥~The Hunted~♥~A Wolf and Wild Horse RP ~♥~... 900x9024

Ash Pack:
The Ash pack is a fearless and tough pack that lives in the rocky mountains.
...~♥~The Hunted~♥~A Wolf and Wild Horse RP ~♥~... 900x9018


Character Page:

Posts : 12
Join date : 2015-02-15
Location : With chickens somewhere......

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